zaterdag 25 oktober 2008
Cold Turkey
Ontwerp: Cold Turkey
Ontwerp: Cold Turkey
Date: Nov 2008
Stylist: Mascha van Wely
Locatie: Tvatt Stugan (Goteborg)
Grafity project 2008
Modista Mudanca
In August 2006, a group of young fashion designers from the Netherlands traveled to the coastal city of Fortaleza, in northern Brazil. They spent four weeks there, working with Brazilian designers and dressmakers on aclothing line for a textile workshop in the favelas of Fortaleza. This opportunity was made possible by a loan from development bankers Banco Palmas. The collection perfectly complements the fashion image of both Brazil and the Netherlands.
A photographer and a film team created a pictorial record of the project. The photos – both documentary and posed – depict all the designs and give an all-round impression of the city's inhabitants. Despite poverty and the ever-present sex tourism in Fortaleza, they seem remarkably optimistic. The documentary confirms this, giving a realistic behind-the-scenes look at conditions in Brazil, in the form of interviews with those concerned and reports on daily life.
Dutch designers: Alei Verspoor, Bazilia Gomes Diaz, Branko Popovic, Fabienne de Moulin, Franciscus van der Meer, Mascha van Wely, Nawie Kuiper, Stefanie Klompenhouwer, Tineke Hopman, Ursula Pelt.
Brazilian designers: Ana Leopoldina Simões Marques, Bruna Guesdes, Catarina Paiva Carneiro, Cristina Pereira Kapazi, Faradiba Lima do Nascimento, Jordão Tomé Menezes, Luziara Monticelo, Maria Targlana A. Rocha, Raquel de Aquiak Cordeiro.
Co-ordinating designer: Els Petit.
Photographer: Lisa Klappe.
Film team: Director : Hopi Chopman,Henk van Arkel [Strohalm & Instrodi], Daniel Borba Lefèvre, Geert Stokman, Erik Jaspers, Ivar Gloudemans, Antonia Guzman, Têmis Nicolaidis, Richard Beneder.